"We" (aka-me) haven't posted recently because we had a minor computer crisis at our house last weekend. We had the Clouse's over for the Steeler's game on Sunday, and Laura and I were on the floor looking at her new "Thirty-One" products (check them out online, super cute bags and accessories) on the computer. I stood up and knocked my FULL glass of water over...all over my laptop. It was a disaster. When I realized that ice cubes were just sitting on the keyboard, I realized it was done-zo. Luke tried to dry it out with a gazillion paper towels, and we put it in a bag of rice over night. It was a goner! We came to grips with the computer being dead. We rationalized it with the fact that I had had it since college, and it was running out of space. We had even talked about getting a new one the last few months...who knows if we would have really gone through with that, but it was comforting that we HAD talked about it. However, we could not come to grips with the fact that 5 years of pictures and files were sitting on drenched laptop...not to mention a PowerPoint presentation Luke needed the next day. I headed to Best Buy, where they reassured me that they could "most likely" save the hard drive and transfer files- praise the Lord! So..we are now proud owners of a brand new MacBookPro. The guy sold me when he said the keyboard illuminates! What a difference! It is a beauty, and works like a pro--we love it! We are die hard Apple lovers, we even converted my parents! You never deal with pop-ups, viruses or it running slow!
The best part of this story is that 36 hours later...my old computer turned back on! ha-ha-ha! Everything is there, but it is running a little slow from the tsunami it went through. OH WELL! Lesson learned there! :)
The day before this ordeal we ventured out to Target to register for the baby. I wish there was a camera there, so we could have photographed our bug eyed faces as we looked up and down, up and down at ALL of the stuff. Phew!

There are 37 bottle choices, 64 different changing table accessories and 15 different types of pacifiers (all of which ensure healthy teeth-who knew?) Talk about overwhelming.
Anywho, we walked up and down all of the aisles and scanned anything and everything! We were so proud of ourselves when we left because we conquered making all of those "major decisions" in just 45 minutes. We took the scanner to Customer Service to print our registry, and NOTHINGGGGGGG registered. I knew I should have had control over the scanner gun ;) We were so frustrated that we just left and I went back on Monday and re-did it. We registered mainly at Target, but did a few things online at Burglington Coat Factory (they had the pack and play I liked), and added a few things at BabiesRUs. The closest BabiesRUs is in Harrisburg, about 2.5 hours away, which made it impossible to go fully register there.
After both of these frustrations, I decided I was D-O-N-E with technology. But here we are, one week later, and I am happy as a clam looking at the baby registry on my new computer! :)

Anywho, we walked up and down all of the aisles and scanned anything and everything! We were so proud of ourselves when we left because we conquered making all of those "major decisions" in just 45 minutes. We took the scanner to Customer Service to print our registry, and NOTHINGGGGGGG registered. I knew I should have had control over the scanner gun ;) We were so frustrated that we just left and I went back on Monday and re-did it. We registered mainly at Target, but did a few things online at Burglington Coat Factory (they had the pack and play I liked), and added a few things at BabiesRUs. The closest BabiesRUs is in Harrisburg, about 2.5 hours away, which made it impossible to go fully register there.
After both of these frustrations, I decided I was D-O-N-E with technology. But here we are, one week later, and I am happy as a clam looking at the baby registry on my new computer! :)