
Monday, March 28, 2011

The Queen Bee of Baby Bags..

So, I was being very particular picking a baby bag...and finally found the queen bee bag! I just know how much of a hassle it is to fit all of MY stuff in a bag, let alone having enough room/compartments for a newborns "stuff", too. My bags always end up being as big as I am , yet still don't have enough room. They are so big and deep that it usually results in Luke getting frustrated when he is trying to dig keys or a cell phone out of the bottom.  Lots of missed calls because of a buried phone! Anywho, I wanted a baby bag that could serve as a 2 in 1, where I could stay organized. I finally found one that had a million different compartments with comfy straps, that wasn't too ugly. Mind you, when I first opened the package I thought it was the most hideous bag I had ever seen. But, after analyzing it..the functionality of it made me more attracted to it. I am so proud (and surprised) that I chose functional over style. Of course, I couldn't resist spicing it up a little bit! :)

I bought it on a great sale at

 Pockets are EVERYWHERE.. If you could only see the back side..

I added some cute buttons to the little pockets and sewed a cute sash for it! 
Much more me! :)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

A quick summer MUST have..

We had our first pineapple of the season last night, and I just have to share this pineapple cutter with you! No one in America has an easy way to cut up a whole pineapple, so everyone must purchase this tool! It allows you to get the most out of your pineapple, saves the juice from spilling all over your kitchen AND creates a fruit bowl, all with just a few twists!

It comes with 2 sizes, for either a medium or large pineapple and 1 handle

You just turn, and turn, and turn some more until you can feel the bottom of the pineapple... 

Pull it out and you have core less pineapple rings AND the pineapple base, which you can use as a decoration/fruit bowl!

best. invention. ever

You can buy it at
Here is the link....

I'm jealous that it comes in red and yellow now! I got stuck with ugly!

33 Weeks

Another great week in the Wheeler household! I am back to being my busy self (within limits)! It feels so good to be productive again, especially with Spring right around the corner! Spring makes me want to organize anything/everything I can get my hands on! However, Luke said if I buy another basket to organize random things..he is going to divorce me ;) I just love baskets and organizational tools! And since I don't want to be a divorcee, I think I'll just throw anything out that doesn't fit in one of the 300 baskets we already have! hehe! My nesting "to do list" is dwindling quickly, I'll update on all of those little projects later! 

This week my Mom and Dad came down to go to the Celtic Women concert at the Bryce Jordan Center. We bought my Dad tickets for Christmas... At the last minute I realized that when I purchased the tickets in November, I didn't take into account that I was going to be 8 months pregnant and that sitting in the 2nd level of the BJC was just not going to be practical. The 2nd level is STRAIGHT up, offering zero leg space and a gazillion steep stairs. I did't want to play the "handicap pregnant woman", but I knew that after 5 bathroom breaks of walking up and down those would be disastrous. I called the Center and asked if we could move our seats to the first level..and well, lets just say we ended up in the fourth row on the floor! It was lots of fun to be so close! I will say that I practiced the pregnant waddle before we went in, as I didn't want them to think that I was lying when I said I was 8 months pregnant (b/c my belly obviously doesn't scream 8 months!) haha! The baby was Irish dancing throughout the entire show! 

Whoops..I got cut out of the picture ;)

What really topped the night off was when I ran into an old college friend who lived on my floor my freshman year! Her husband works at the BJC and just happened to have two extra tickets to ELTON JOHN tonight!! We are so excited! Luke and I had just heard that he was going to be in State College this week, and were looking at tickets online! It can't get better than two free tickets in the first level! Can't wait!

Here are some 33 week belly shots.. I'm thinking it looks the same as last week, maybe a little pointier.  It measured 33cm (1cm per week) this week at my doctors appointment! Hooray! I am down to 2 more 2 week appointments, and then we are on to once a week appointments (that means it is really close!)..
So far I have gained 22 pounds which is broken up like this:  4lbs- baby... 18lbs- Mommy's cheeks :)

Oh..and just have to share this...
We got the sweetest package in the mail yesterday from the Secretary at my Elementary School in N.C, Frannie! Frannie and I have lots in common, as her husband is a retired Colonel, whom she refers to as "THE Colonel", and she is super crafty! She weaves baskets and made us the most gorgeous basket for our wedding (A Franbury Basket)! This package was the never ending package, the type that keeps going with goodies! She made us "Franbury Burpcloths", which are the cutest ever! She even used the crib sheet from Pottery Barn, which matches our nursery, as fabric! XOXO to Fran...we were overwhelmed by your sweetness! :)

I told Luke to come and see what we got in the mail..and this is what he saw! 
He said "We already have one of them!"..haha

 Cute and type of craft!

No excuse to have spitup on our shoulders now..

Sunday, March 20, 2011

32 weeks..tick-tock!

Hooray for another great appointment on Friday. A huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders, and I finally left an appointment feeling excited, rather than stressed! :) This appointment was to measure the baby's size, just to make sure it was growing appropriately. It jumped for the 17th% to the 26th%, so that was great news. It is weighing int at 3lb13oz, and still has 8 weeks to cook! In the last month it gains (on average) a 1/2lb a we know it will at least be a 6lb baby! Phew! It is going to be a peanut, but who knows, maybe it will surprise us all! Luke and I feel a lot better, and are now just counting the weeks!
The cord was still in the way when the ultrasound tech tried to do the 3D pictures, but we got a way better look at the babies lips, nose, cheeks and chin! It looks just like me!! haha! We were thinking it was going to look like Luke, but this proves otherwise!

We don't have to go back to Danville for 6 more weeks, and the doctor said "That is IF you are pregnant in 6 weeks". That was kind of weird to hear. 6 weeks? That is a month and a half...Hopefully it will be 8 weeks..2 months sounds a bit more realistic! :) 

Belly pictures...

Here is how I am really feeling... was I so naive to think that the only thing that was going to grow was my stomach?
16 weeks ............................................................................. 32 weeks                
Luke said, "You don't look as puffy in person"...HAHA! :) Good to know..

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Mommy Mobile

With time ticking away, we decided it was time for me to get a 4 door car! Luke thought it was going to be possible to shove (and I say that literally) a carseat through my 2 door Honda. 

 I dramatically explained to him the visions I was having of putting the baby in the car...imagine a sleep deprived Molly (not going to be pretty) on a hot, sweaty, summer day, crawling in the back of the car trying to squeeze a 20lb baby carrier through the door. I think it took him 2 seconds to realize that buying a new car would be a better alternative, rather than dealing with my meltdowns! :)

My new car is a 2011 Ford Escape! We looked at a bunch of vehicles, but decided that this was the best choice..with gas prices and all! It has the perfect amount of space, and very safe! It has heated seats, which have been fantastic for my back pain, and a back up camera (which will hopefully prevent me from hitting things).

Well, she was shiny, new and scratchless for umm... 1 1/2 weeks.....10 days to be exact. I am sure you aren't surprised, as I have the worst "luck" with vehicles (aka-I am an idiot). I pulled it into the garage, opened the trunk and then put the garage door down. Well, the trunk pops up, and because it's a higher SUV, a piece of metal hanging from the stupid garage door opener gashed the trunk. Imagine the screeching of metal on metal and then me screaming hysterically in the background! It was really cute! UH! There are 3 long gashes which total about $400.00 worth of damage. Only me! I was a hysterical mess, but Luke, yet again, calmed me down! He is an angel on earth to deal with me. I learned not to get upset about stuff like this, as it sent me to the hospital later that night with contractions. AH! 
So, the next week, when I was headed to Sayre and a gas truck flung a ginormous rock into my windshield, leaving me with a cracked windshield, I just laughed! What can you do? So, my black beauty already has some character...all within its first 2 weeks of life! :)

Baby Shower Snapshots!

Jessica and Haley, my sister-in-laws, threw me a lovely, lovely baby shower last weekend! :) They had it at Tomasso's in Waverly, which always makes for a nice luncheon! About 25 people came, which was the perfect number! Here are a few photos! Thanks so much, girls! xoxo

The hostess' with the mostest!
The 4 women of my life...possibly 1 more in the belly..

Haley (AND Josh) did a cute job with this photo board!
Luke and I were pudgsters, for sure!

A baby Wheeler Christmas!

My favorite gift was this recordable Hallmark book with my grandparents voices.. so very special!

Thank you SO, SO much to our friends and family for celebrating Baby Wheeler!

Opening each gift was a sigh of relief. We felt a little unprepared, as we had 1 hat, 1 pair of socks and 0 diapers! Luke had a small freak out moment the week before the shower when we went into the nursery and looked around. He said, "We have nothing...(frantically)..we need a mobile for the crib". I looked at him and calmly explained that a mobile was pretty much at the bottom of the list of "needs"... was just funny :) 
We've decided that not knowing the baby's gender is fantastic for our wallet. If I knew what this baby was, I guarantee Luke would have already had to expand the closet. Plus, everything you get is gender neutral, so it will be perfect for the next baby (if there is such a thing!) 

The laundry galore!
We hope the baby likes a.) ducks and b.) green/yellow

I am obsessed with baby socks! These are the cutest/ littlest things you have EVER seen. Luke picked them out and wants a matching Daddy pair. The dryer "eats" my socks every these should last one more wash until they are pair-less :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Welcome, 30 weeks!

Hooray! I feel like we should have a party to celebrate week 30! What a relief! I am glad that Lil' Wayne has decided to stay nice and cozy in my belly! 10 more weeks left, which I have a feeling are going to fly by!

What's new with the little peanut?

Well, I went to my doctor's appointment on Thursday in Danville. Luke was away all last week (both in Maryland and Pittsburgh), so my parents, ever so graciously, "watched us" for the week! My mom took the day off of work to go to Danville with me, which was so nice of her! I think she had a good time at my appointment, as the ultrasound was SO fun to see this time! It was one of those "you had to be there" types of things... but, we did get a couple of cute pictures! The baby was busy sucking his/her thumb (in and and out). It was amazing to watch! The ultrasound tech even switched the screen to 3D, so we got to see an up close and personal look at the little cutie. Obviously, I've tried to imagine what the baby was going to look like...always morphing Luke and I's best qualities together, but you just never know. We have a better idea now, and reassurance that he/she is going to be one cute little munchkin! You could see the baby's chubby little cheeks! I told my mom that I think Lil' WaynETTE has a sweet little girl face! I am changing my mind on what I think the sex is! 
It was simply amazing! I wish Luke could have been there to see, I know he would have gotten a kick out of the baby's busyness. There is ALWAYS next time (aka-2 weeks). 

See my cute profile and hand???
Here I am sucking my thumb..I take after my mom and my Grandpa Guinane
Check out his/her cheeks..aren't they the cutest thing?
The front of the face, which was blocked by the cord a little bit (making it less clear than normal)
I have my dad's lips!
Along with getting a sneak peak, we got some great news! My body is showing NO signs of labor, minus the contractions, of course. Dr. Smith took me off of the contraction medicine, and lifted my bed rest "status"! I am a free woman! Of course, I still need to rest a lot, and generally take it easy..but, I can run errands again and reunite with my Dyson vacuum cleaner (praise god!). I was pretty nervous about getting off of the Terbutaline medicine, because of the uncomfortableness, but am surprisingly doing great! I actually have less cramping at night then when I was taking the meds. It is nice not to have to set my alarm clock every four hours in the middle of the night... even though it was getting me on a good schedule for baby feedings. But, until then..I shall enjoy my 10 hours a night (I am in for a rude awakening..literally)!

Today is Fat Tuesday.... I thought it was appropriate to post these ;)
For Lent I'd like to give up my inflated face, arms and thighs...however, giving up jelly beans and candy will have to do, and maybe even prevent the inflation!