Happy 4 weeks to our sweet, sweet Jacky! We survived our first month as a family, and it wasn't even that challenging. Sure, it took some adjusting, but we def. didn't live the horror story that people warned us about. Daddy is still getting 8hours of sleep a night, and Mommy's dark circles aren't even that bad. Luke is going to want to build a small Army of babies if they all behave this way..yikes! Maybe I should start telling him Jack acts up during the day! ;)
4 weeks:
- Jack is now sleeping 3.5-5 hours at a time at night... you never know! I had to wake him up after 5 hours the other night, just to make sure he was breathing!
- We have a little routine/schedule established. His most awake time (usually 3 straight hours) is first thing in the morning. He wears himself out and then naps on and off for the rest of the day! We have been walking the hills of Bellefonte in the morning, too.
- Only my baby would fall asleep to the vacuum cleaner! ;)
- Bailee has finally come out of his depression, and "checks" on Jack regularly.
- Fitting nicely into his cute little 0-3 month summer outfits.
- Jack is losing his hair in the front (sad face)..he has a major receding hairline now. Hopefully it comes back quickly!
- Every day Luke says "He is looking more and more like me...he looks just like me!" I told him it was the hairline (haha). But, really, he is starting to look a little like Luke.
Being this cute is so exhausting...
Jackson also had his very first trip home to good ol' Sayre, PA this past weekend. We decided to go home for Father's Day, which was a nice treat for EVERYONE. It was nice to see family..and OUR arms sure got the weekend off, as Jack wasn't put down by his Grandma's, Grandpa's and Aunts and Uncles!!
Jack also got to meet his cousin Dominick for the first time.... I am sure they will be trouble together in a couple of years...
I'm not sure, but I think his Grandparents were happy to see him ;) Jack went for a walk every morning with Gram and Gramp Guinane..I think he missed them when we woke up Monday morning. Like always, no time at home is quite enough time. Good news, though...we'll be back in a few short weeks!!
I kind of missed him when the weekend was over...