
Monday, July 25, 2011

Officially 2 months!

Well, our BIG boy is weighing in at 12lbs 13oz. I, out of all people, hate the percentiles the doctors give you..because they kept telling us our baby was in the 17th percentile and was going to be petite (way to be WAY off), but I thought it was funny when they said he was in the 81st percentile for body fat! HAHA!  Him is a big boy! ;) Jackson is 23 inches long, and his head measures in the 41st percentile (he obviously didn't get my head circumference). Luke was able to come with us to the doctors, which was great because Jack got his 8 week shots, and Luke held him as I closed my eyes and turned away :) He did great- a quick scream, but was fine afterwards. I am beginning to wonder if they gave him a "no napping shot" b/c since Friday, this child has taken nothing longer than a 20 minute nap! AH! We are also working on cutting out his 1am feeding, which has been a little exhausting. We did get him to sleep 6hrs straight though, so that was exciting, but our doctor told us it will just take a little training. For even my toughest, most trying days, I always tell myself that he IS an angel baby, and it could be 100 times worse.
 oh yes, i can hold this noggin' up!
 it sure is heavy...

 down it goes..

 check out my bandaids poor tree trunks..

 my dad makes me laugh, and laugh..
 but sometimes, we have deep conversations

it is really, really hard to get my diaper changed when my brothers make my changing table their bed.

tarin moves..bailee..not so much

he's not getting the point...

 daddy came to the rescue, and bailee will just wait patiently until i'm done.

 this is going much better than last time...

 yes, I am saying it..he looks just like his dad!

not napping is SO much fun!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

My Favorite

(listen carefully)
So..I took this video the first week we were home from the hospital. Luke was trying to calm Jackson down while I was upstairs. As I came downstairs I realized he was marching back and forth, back and forth through our downstairs singing Jack Army cadences. It was TOO cute not to catch on video. It was hard to get, because I knew as soon as Luke saw me video taping..he would make me turn it off!! Regardless, it did the trick :) (I'm gonna get in trouble for posting this one!)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Happy baby...

I never realized I could love something so little, so much! This little guy makes me love him more and more every day. His little smile, and old man chuckle is contagious, and I can't get enough of it. I think I am mildly obsessed :) We had a good weekend, and great start to the week. We spent the weekend at Penn State's Arts Fest, not so much looking at the art, but more so eating the greasy, delicious festival food. Luke  goes for the lemonade cups, however..this year the vendors cheaped out and bought flimsy lemonade cups. Luke feels that these lemonade cups will be eternal and are worth the 5.00. Not so much this year!

 This week we are nap training. I am trying to get Jack on a nap schedule because he becomes overtired after an hour or so. He is so alert and needs to know exactly what is going on at every second that he is awake (can't say he is my son), that it exhausts him. Day 2 is going better than day 1. I am learning a lot about baby sleep. He jolts awake at 30 minutes, on the dot, every nap. Apparently a babys sleep cycle is 30 minutes and often times little babies can't transition into the second sleep cycle without jolting, which awakens them. SO, I have been trying some methods to help him transition into the second sleep cycle and today it worked like a charm. 2 2hour naps! yeehaw!

Here are the pictures of the little man- cute as ever. He goes for his 8 week shots on Friday. Can't wait to see how much he weighs. Luke thinks his legs look like the turkey legs they were selling at Arts Fest. ha! 

 This is me after my first 3.5 mile run..
 I wore my sweatsuit...and had a nice nap :)

These crazy people did all the work... (great picture- right?) (Just proving I survived the run, and Luke survived the complaining)

 Me with my new best friend. Her name is "Wizabef" - (Elizabeth)
Luke watches this show called "Swamp People", a show where people hunt alligators. The swamp people barely speak English..they seriously need captions on the show to understand what the people are saying. Anywho, the one alligator ladys name is Elizabeth, but pronounced "Wizabef" - in swamper slang. So, we named Jackson's new alligator, Wizzy. 

Don't take Wizabef away, or this happens...

 Here are my 8 week photos! 
 Such a happy boy!
 Me and Wiz waiting for Daddy at the baseball game...
 "Hurry up, Dad, or you are gonna get one of these"...
 Luke with some of his soldiers at the baseball game... It was military night at Spikes stadium.
 He swore in three new soldiers right before the first pitch was thrown out! 
Captain Wheeler- hooah!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

We're back!

So, did you think we fell off of the face of the earth? Pretty close.. ;) The last 2 weeks have been filled with traveling, family and illness (boo!). We went home 2 weekends ago for the 4th of July. L had a long weekend, which was enjoyable. However, I ended the weekend with the stomach flu! Not fun! I ended up staying at my parents for the entire week, which was so helpful - being sick and having the baby. Poor Jackson ended up getting the bug, on a much minor scale, though. You would have never known he was sick unless you were changing his could have been much worse. Thank goodness for my mom! The only perk of that flu was that I am now able to get last summers shorts up and zipped (not buttoned)...woohoo! That is a big step!!

Jackson is getting to be one big boy! He goes for his 2 month shots this week (:()..I will update you on how much he has grown after. 2 weeks ago he was over 11lbs! The car seat is definitely getting heavier, and a lot harder to carry up the stairs.  He is still sweet as ever and SO easy. Sometimes Luke and I just laugh at how easy we got off with this baby...I think stopping at one is going to be our best bet, as the next one might come out devilish with red eyes! I don't like to go into too much detail about good he is because I am afraid I will jinx all of his wonderfulness! 

I think I owe you some major goes!

5 Weeks:

 Daddy and Jacks taking a nap after a long day of work...

 Attempting a hat to keep the sun out while at Daddy's softball game...

 ATTEMPTING a bottle.. more ended up on the shirt than in the mouth :)

 5 weeks old and headed to Sayre, PA

 Where did all that hair go??

6 Weeks:

 Jacky started laughing and smiling this week! He thinks it's really funny when Luke says "Wanna fight??"

 ..too cute in my outfit from Mema and Papa! 

 Spending the weekend at Mema and Papas

 Hanging out with Grampy G...

 Happy 4th of July! Jack spent his 4th sound asleep. I'm embarrassed to say that we both slept through the noise of the fireworks.

 Mommy and Daddy's first night out away from the little guy! We went to the wedding of one of my Kindergarten buddys, Matt Scanlin. Luke was king of the dance floor, per usual at weddings. Mema and Papa Wheeler watched Jack and got him to drink TWO bottles - woohoo!

7 Weeks:

 sleeping and smiling at the same time.. what a nice life!
 catching up to the bear...

first time sitting up in the Bumbo..his chubby leg got stuck in the leg hole! haha

Jack's first baseball game on 7/11...

 he missed the whole thing
 hanging out with Daddy at the stadium

Ike the Spike - haha

 he may not have been awake, but he was dressed appropriately for his first game!

 It was one of those relaxing, perfectly breezy, but warm nights that you never forget...

 The sky over  Beaver Stadium

 ope..deciding to wake up as we left! :)