Jackson is 16 lbs 6oz and 25 inches long! He IS a meatball, and if his body fat was 1 more % the doctor would have had to counsel me on overfeeding...oh my lord! We have FINALLY worked out Jack's feeding issues, and gottan him on a 4 hour eating schedule (praise god!)... I was still trying to feed him every 3 hours, which turned him into what they call a "snacker" because he wasn't truly hungry.... uh! How in the world am I supposed to know this stuff? He REALLY needed to be born with a manuel, or a digital device that TOLD me what to do and when! He is sleeping from 7-11, I wake him up to "dream feed" and then sleeps until 3:30....then, it all goes downhill. We are working on the 3:30am thing...but, lets just say my dark circles aren't getting any lighter. The nurses just love him at the doctors..he has SO many girlfriends already - yikes! He flirts with any woman that talks to him. Today at Target Jack was loving this one lady, who had to come back a 2nd time to talk to him because she couldn't get enough of him. He is so animated when you interact with him, which makes people love him. He also thinks Bailee is the funniest thing all of a sudden! He knows what he wants and when he wants it - I think we created a MONSTER! To say that Jack "found his voice" is an understatement...this child yells alllll day all of a sudden- especially when you aren't paying attention to JUST him! Luke was gone all last week, and we spent the week in Sayre..and on Saturday morning when the baby got up..he started his talking/yelling gig, which Luke thought was hilarious.........for 5 minutes. By the end of Saturday he was wondering if there was anyone we could drop the baby off with for awhile ----laughing out loud. Lets see..what else is new? OH- we started foods on Sunday - yum-yum! We started with cereal, which wasn't a hit..but, it's slowly getting better. We've done apples..and Jack's new "fav"...sweet potatoes! Luke and I spent Sunday afternoon making homemade baby food! That was fun (sarcasm). Luke did most of the work - he is a maniac in the kitchen! Our kitchen needed a good scrubbing after that...we made and froze apples, peaches, squash, sweet potatoes and peas (gross). I froze them in ice cube trays, and then popped um out and put them in ziplock bags. It seems to be a good system. I totaled up our grocery bill for the ingredients, and it was $10.50...I think that is a pretty good deal, considering we have 5 large gallon bags filled and it only took us an hour.
Here's what we've been up to the last couple weeks... and if you think you're going to see pictures of me..happily sleeping..all comfy in my bed... well, you are wrong....because that is def. NOT what I, personally, have been up to................(yawn).
working on rolling back and forth (and chewing on anything that comes close to his mouth) |
we broke out the fall clothing,,..how funny is that hat?? |
Jack's first time in a coat...
*gotta capture EVERY "first"- ha! |
....and his first time riding a dog - haha
Toby is thinking "have at it, Jack...im used to this by now with your cousin Dom" |
spending some special time with margaret and ed... they just love him..and we love them. .. |
look at them look at him... uhh..makes me teary eyed |
margaret would sit and talk to jack all day if you let her.. he would probably like it because she just tells him over and over again how cute he is :) |
Grammy Guinane got Jack a Johnny JumpUp...he LOVES it! |
..not so great the jumping part yet, but he swings around and chews/drools on every square inch |
"THANK YOU, Grammy for bringing me home to my crib...the pack n play does NOTHING for my sleep" |
"However, no thank you for driving back to Sayre with my carseat base in your car..." |
A baby food making machine! |
..it only took an hour to clean up! :) |
Jack's first try at cereal... |
..not so much |
seriously, couldn't they make rice cereal taste a little better...it's like cardboard...i don't blame him for hating it! |
sweet potatoes on the other hand... |
..were a huge hit!
I swear..some of it DID make it in his mouth! He isn't so good at swallowing..hence the mess! |