
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Congratulations, Luke!

Luke has officially finished his time in the Army as a Company Commander. He completed FIFTY ONE months of Command time, with two different Units (well over the amount required). Being a Company Commander is a lot of stress and pressure, taking care of the well being of soldiers and families, and I am so proud of the job he has done. Luke's Change of Command was on Friday, and he is officially a free man! So happy for him! We have survived 3 days of his vacation and so good. He went to the grocery store with us yesterday, and it was so nice to have extra hands to carry the bags up the stairs. However, Jack and I did have to give him a friendly reminder to pick up the pace in the grocery and out in less than an hour is always our goal! :)

We were able to spend the weekend with his family, which was extra nice for him and a great way to kick off his vacation!

The recruiters waiting for the ceremony to start..
Luke is on the right..his replacement is on the left - Captain Albright, and in the middle is the  Battalion Commander, Colonel Jenkins 
giving his farewell lovely!
The originals at The Mount Nittany Inn.. beautiful scenery!

proud family!
O-M-G....couldn't you just eat him up?
Sporting Papa's hat!
Aunt Haley, Uncle Josh and baby Graham even came! Jack and Graham were chatting afterwards. I wasn't there, but apparently they were both babbling back and forth and then Jack swatted Graham..whoops! 
We went on a boat ride through the canals of Penns Cave! It was SO cool, and hard to believe this amazing, natural thing  (can't think of THE word I want to use) is only 15 minutes from our house!


Jack celebrated his first Saint Patrick's Day this past week, too! His Grammy and Grampy Guinane bought him the most darling little, green jean coat with a shamrock applique.. Gram even came to visit during the week and made Jack his first batch of shamrock shaped sugar cookies....take a wild guess who ate them all!? NOT JACK..muhaha

"What, you say there are sugar cookies baking?"
Taking pictures have gotten to be a challenge now that he is on the move!
Anddd..just because I have them, I'll share these, too!

Texting and driving is one of Mommy's biggest pet peeves!
 Jacky got his FIFTH haircut - isn't he so handsome!?
He is reading his book, his new favorite thing to do is flip through the pages....LOVE THIS!

"Mom, you've been holding out on this chocolate thing for WAY too long"
First experience with a chocolate graham cracker went a little something like this: chew the teddy graham, spit the teddy graham out and watch it roll down the bib...repeat.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

On the move...

..and in to EVERYTHING! :) 
I swear..he went to bed a baby, and woke up a little boy who knew how to REALLY crawl. Prior to being up on both knees, Jack did what I like to call "the wounded soldier crawl"..where he dragged one leg and pushed with the other. This form of crawling only allowed him to move short distances. The day he woke up and realized both legs work, and one was not an amputee, our morning went a little something like this:

Wake up at 7am, and by 8am:
Crawl over and...

  1. gnaw on a piece of paper towel
  2. attempt to tip and eat the bathroom trash
  3. "chase" Bailee and try to eat his tail
  4. chew on the PLUGGED IN vacuum cord
  5. rip off and eat a plant leaf

...and this is what he was doing by 8:15am..
"You really think I just did ALL of that work to get over here and just look at this water? Yeah right!"
"I know she's watching me, but I really don't care"

 I guess this shows me not to leave my coupon (not so organized anymore) ORGANIZER on the floor...

Bailee was supposed to be watching him... I am beginning to wonder if paper towels have any nutritional value?

Andddd..this is what happens while I cook dinner...
"Wasn't me" 
"But whoever it was..THANK YOU FOR THE SNACK"

helping himself! :)
So, needless to say...we have put on our baby eyes, and have been baby proofing this house! Wouldn't trade the messes for the world, though! :)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Hello, March!

March is going to bring many welcomed changes to our family (and April..and May..and June). Needless to say, we have a busy few months ahead of us, and we are all looking forward to a new adventure! This month Luke has his Change of Command ceremony on the 16th, which marks the end of his Recruiting days! I KNOW he is looking forward to a break, as he hasn't taken a single day off in the last two years. He will have off from the middle of March until JUNE 2nd. Oh boy (I am saying that with optimism..hopefully we won't kill one another)!  Jack and I will have to see where he fits in to our rigid schedule ;) I think we will just pretend every day is a Saturday or Sunday, and we will be just fine! :) Jack can handle pancakes for breakfast every morning, and I am sure he won't mind staying in his PJ's until noon! In reality I am sure that won't happen, I have a feeling we are going to be VERY busy getting ready to move, finding a house, visiting family AND planning a first birthday party! :) On the 21st we close on our  house here. It will feel great to be debt free (for a few weeks, anyways). We are renting back from our buyer until May, which works out well for everyone!

A street on was meant to be!
BY THE case you didn't know..we are off to Fort Eustis, Virginia! We are thrilled about our new duty station. The location couldn't be more perfect. Fort Eustis is sandwiched between Williamsburg and Virginia Beach. Yes, Virginia Beach is only 35 miles away! However, the area is surrounded by smaller beaches and bays, so ANY day can be a beach day for Jackson. We made a trip to Virginia a couple of weekends ago, just to get a feel for the area and where we wanted to start looking for homes. We decided that we want to live in Williamsburg, as it offers a huge array of things to do ..not to mention the beauty of Colonial Williamsburg. The trip is about 6.5 hours from our house in Bellefonte, and Jack did fantastic. His car seat became his "home" for 3 he spent the majority of the days strapped in. He ate, slept, POOPED (all over it) in it for the entire 3 days with very little fussing and whining. We were so proud of him..he is such a trooper, and showed us he can handle the Army life! :)  Not to mention, he even slept through the night at the the pack and play (Hallelujah!) 
"Watch out, ladies..wait til you see me with my shirt off!"

practicing how he is going to pick up chicks on the beach!

"Here I come, Virginia!"
In my mother-less days, when staying in a hotel, I would instantly assess the room and see how fluffy the hotel pillows were..Now, the first thing I assess is where my kid is going to bathe.. Lesson learned -- assess that BEFORE booking the room..

Jack had fun..... for a second...and then realized how bad a sink bath stinks when your bottom barely fits
in the sink.

This week Jack came down with his first cough. Boo! It has been a rough week for him, and it breaks our hearts to see him so miserable. The ONLY plus to him being sick is that he is pretty cuddly..usually he is way TOO busy to be cuddly. We are off to the Doctors this morning to make sure that it hasn't turned into an ear infection, and he is going to be so sad when we get out of the car and he sees the Pediatrics building and not the Music class building. He has to miss his last Music class of the "semester", and that makes us BOTH sad.

Other than his little cold..he is doing wonderfully. He is almost 21 pounds, and is 29.5 inches long (STILL tall - 88th percentile - laugh out loud). He is on his fourth haircut, and almost ready for his fifth! Jack's top 2 toofers popped through.  Little guy knows what he wants..and WHEN he wants it -a pounding of his fist means "more"-we are working on "please". His favorite food is currently blueberries - which are my least favorite when it comes to diaper changes...ha! He is pushing his cars and trucks around, starting to understand back and forth. Still yelling "MOMMA" any chance he gets, and working on "buh-bye". Bailee is still his best friend, and has been sleeping outside of his door every night this week...knowing that he has a bad cough! :) 

Here are a few photos of the little man.. was a long day...for both of them!

His favorite toys are always FREE - boxes..water bottles..paper towel rolls...

Yes, the opening of the cupboards has begun! :)
hmm... there has to be something in there..